Connected or disconnected letters: Handwritten fonts can be either connected or disconnected, depending on the specific font and the designer’s intent.Irregularity: Handwritten fonts often have an irregular appearance, with some letters being slightly slanted or out of alignment, which can help to convey a sense of the natural imperfections of handwriting.Variations in letterforms: Handwritten fonts often feature variations in letterforms, such as different sizes, shapes, and angles, which can add a sense of authenticity and character to the text.Some common characteristics of handwritten fonts include: Handwritten fonts are designed to resemble handwriting and are characterized by unique, individualized letterforms that convey a sense of personal expression. In this tutorial, our team of design experts will cover the best handwriting fonts in Canva. Luckily, Canva has made adding great fonts to your designs much easier. But picking great fonts is a challenge most people. Great graphic design is powered by great font selection. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.